

Development and supply of safe and effective vaccine for global public health



Euvichol¢ç-S is an oral cholera vaccine whose production has been increased by approximately 40% through improvements in the antigen production method and composition of Euvichol¢ç-Plus. Like the existing Euvichol¢ç-Plus, no local side effects such as swelling or rash at the injection site occurred, and its effectiveness was proven through a phase 3 comparative clinical trial conducted in Nepal and other regions in 2023. Euvichol¢ç-S is a plastic tube formulation that received WHO-PQ in April 2024.
Product Name Euvichol¢ç-S(Inactivated oral cholera vaccine)
Product Purpose Prescription drugs (for export)
Dosage and Administration Administer orally twice at two-week intervals
Appearance Plastic tube filled with yellow or light yellow cloudy solution
Efficacy / Effectiveness Prevention of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1 in children, adolescents, and adults over 1 year of age.
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Product Components

Vaccine strain Quantity
V. cholerae O1 Inaba Phil 6973 El Tor (F) 900 L.E.U
V. cholerae O1 Ogawa Cairo 50 (F) 600 L.E.U

H:Heat inactivated F:Formalin inactivated

* LEU : Lipopolysaccharide ELISA Units

Product Information

Usage/Capacity To save Validity
/Administer orally twice at two-week intervals Store at a temperature between 2¡É and 8¡É 24 months from manufacturing date